Temple Sinai of Massapequa
Shalom! Welcome!
A warm and friendly Reform Congregation where all are welcome!

Since 1958, Temple Sinai has offered a warm and friendly atmosphere where congregants and community members immediately feel at home.
Temple Sinai of Massapequa, a member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and the only Reform synagogue in Massapequa, is a warm and friendly, all inclusive congregation where all are welcome. Led by Rabbi Dr. Janise Poticha, our members and friends have created a friendly community where all participate and commit to the future of Temple Sinai. Through membership and participation everyone has the opportunity to partake in worship, adult education, religious school, volunteering, hosting a simcha, and so much more!
For many decades, Temple Sinai of Massapequa has been an integral part of Massapequa and the South Shore. Of recent years, Temple Sinai has been the only Reform synagogue in our region. It is at this time that Temple Sinai is in serious conversation regarding affiliating with Temple B’nai Torah of Wantagh. If you would like more information, or information regarding membership or religious school, please email: templesinaimassapequa@gmail. com or [email protected]. To learn more about Temple B’nai Torah see their website: https://tbtwantagh.org/
Join our community
Come celebrate Shabbat with us!
First Friday of every month: Family Shabbat @ 7:30pm.
All other Shabbat services @ 7:30pm*
(*There may be several Holiday observances beginning @ 8:00pm which are announced).
Our concern for public health continues. Announced in advance, in addition to Shabbat worship in our sanctuary, many services are shared via Zoom.
If you would like to join us, or would like High Holy Day information, kindly refer to our contact page.