Currently, our Shabbat worship begins at 7:30pm. The first Friday of every month is our Family Shabbat Worship. During this service, one of our religious school classes co-leads worship with our Rabbi and participates in a find and relevant skit. Holiday/Festival services which are conducted on Friday night also begin at 7:30pm. At the conclusion of each Shabbat our community shares in a delicious oneg, sponsored by a family celebrating a simcha or in honor of a loved one.

Saturday morning: Shabbat morning services are held when we celebrate calling up a student who is to become b’nai mitzvah at 10:15 AM.

Continuing in July and August, our Shabbat services are led by our lay leadership at 7:30pm.

Members of Temple Sinai and friends observe and share in Life Cycle Events during a Friday night service. In conjunction with our Rabbi, this is a joyous event to be shared with the entire community.

With every step of recovery, Temple Sinai prioritizes community health and safety. Our decisions are based on the CDC, NYS, the needs of our community and our virtual offerings.

We continue to try to offer hybrid worship, which is conducted by temple volunteers. If you can volunteer to Zoom for a Shabbat worship, please contact us.

Recent decisions:
-You no longer need to show proof of vaccination.

-Masks are still optional, though we encourage them for those who are health compromised or unvaccinated to minimize the risk to themselves and others. We can provide a mask if you arrive without but want one.

A reminder: wearing a mask does not mean someone is unvaccinated or ill. They may be planning to travel, work with immunocompromised people, or may simply feel more comfortable wearing a mask in public spaces so please be respectful of everyone’s choice.

Members attend HHD services at no charge. Friends or family who belong to out-of-town Reform congregations may worship with us by having their home congregation notify us as to their membership.

Non-members and members with out-of-town family not affiliated with another Reform congregation may purchase guest tickets for a nominal charge. For High Holy Day ticket information please contact Asha: [email protected].

Ushering in the New Year begins with Selichot. This evening of study and worship is held the Saturday night preceding Rosh HaShanah. This is a time in which we spiritually begin to prepare ourselves for the awe of the coming High Holy Days.

Erev Rosh HaShanah: 8:00 PM
Morning Rosh HaShanah: 10:00 AM.

When Rosh Hashanah does not fall on Shabbat, services are followed by Tashlich. As a community, we walk to the park at the end of Clocks Blvd, to cast off our wrong-doings of the previous year, using bread crumbs, song and prayer. Our Family Rosh Hashanah service follows.

Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre: 8:00 PM
Morning Yom Kippur: 10:00 AM.

Our morning service is followed by our Family Service.

Afternoon services include:
Mincha (afternoon service), Yizkor, Nehila, Havdalah and a community breakfast.

Not a member? New to the area? Visiting friends? Contact: [email protected]

Saturday, 28 September
7:00pm Gather for Selichot
7:15pm Selichot Study
8:00pm Selichot Service

Erev Rosh HaShannah
Wednesday, 2 October, 8:00pm – Seder via Zoom, contact us for information

Rosh HaShannah
Thursday, 3 October
10:00am Morning Worship
12:45pm Tashlich
2:00pm Family Rosh HaShannah Worship

Friday, 4 October, 7:30pm
Shabbat T’shuvah Worship (Family Service, Shabbat T’shuvah)

Kol Kidre
Friday, 11 October, 8:00pm

Yom Kippur
Saturday, 12 October
10:00am Morning Worship
1:30pm Family Yom Kippur Worship

3:45pm Yom Kippur Afternoon Worship, Yizkor, Ma’ariv, Neilah, Havdalah, Break Fast

Not a member?  New to the area?  Visiting friends.  Contact us for tickets.

Out of town?  Feel safer worshipping from home?  Contact us for Zoom information

All Holiday/Festival services are held at 7:30 on the closest Shabbat, including Sukkot, Simchat Torah/ Consecration, Chanukah, Purim, Pesach, Yom HaShoah, Yom HaAtz’maut and Shavout.

Purim services are fun and a bit chaotic. Our choir joins in the fun, our parade of costumes is joyous, and for our Purim spiel all are invited to participate.

Family Chanukkah Shabbat is joyous and includes our community-wide chanukiah (menorah) lighting. Everyone is encouraged to bring their chanukiah.

Before Shabbat worship begins, together we light our chanukiot. These meaningful candles illuminate our sanctuary during worship.

Scout Shabbat is acknowledged during February when we honor all our scouts.

Make a donation to Temple Sinai in honor of your loved ones and/or their memory.